Thursday, February 3, 2011

Missing in Action

Good Thursday morning.  I have been missing in action the last week or so.  Sorry about that.  I just haven't felt the urge to write.  I will try to do better in the future. 

This week I have been stockpiling cake balls for Valentine's day.  On Monday, I baked red velvet cake balls, Tuesday was cherry chocoate cake balls, Wednesday was strawberry cake balls.  The family likes the red velvet balls okay.  No one has tried the cherry chocolate balls but me.  They are my favorite.  Josh likes the strawberry cake balls.  I decorated some of the balls to give to two friends.  The ugly cake balls went to the library for cake ball tasting.  Red velvet is the fav with strawberry next in line as the favorite.  No one is eating the cherry chocolate cake balls.  I thought for sure this flavor would be a favorite. 

I suppose I will make batches of all the flavors again this week.  I need to find a substitute for the cherry balls.  I may try german chocolate. 

I have been making some Valentine cards with my handy dandy Cricut.  But I ran out of pink and red scrapbook paper.  And NO Walmart does not sell packages of pink or red paper.  I must plan a trip to Hobby Lobby.  I get frustrated when I make cards because  I have so many ideas in my head, but nothing turns out the way I want it.  Same thing with cake balls.  My cake balls aren't as pretty as I want them to be.  I must keep practicing.  I want smooth coating and pretty decorations.  No one is complaining though.  I suppose they taste yummy.

I haven't couponed lately.  I must get back in to couponing again.  I have been doing what I despise.  Stopping at the store for something for dinner instead of planning ahead.   I need to plan my meals, and use coupons.  I must get back on track. 

Blessing for the week - A warm place to live.

Product of the week - Jordon's favorite. Birds Eye Voila!: Garlic Chicken
Grilled seasoned white chicken with broccoli, corn, and carrots with pasta in a flavorful garlic seasoning.  YUMMY!

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